Consortium meeting in Mainz

By |2022-09-01T10:22:45+02:00June 10th, 2022|

The first in person meeting consortium meeting in two years happened the 8-9 th of June in Mainz. We were all really happy to meet again in person after the successive Covid waves in the last two years. The meeting gathered 18 people with representative from the different partners, including 6 [...]

Fully reversible magnetoelectric voltage controlled THz polarization rotation in magnetostrictive spintronic emitters on PMN-PT

By |2022-06-08T11:25:24+02:00June 8th, 2022|

Your Content Goes Here Authors: Lezier Geoffrey, Koleják Pierre, Lampin Jean-François, Postava Kamil, Vanwolleghem Mathias, Tiercelin Nicolas Published: 15 April 2022 arXiv link Data Set (Zenodo link) Abstract: THz polarization control upon generation is a crucially missing functionality. THz spintronic emitters based on the inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) [...]

New article on the cover of Applied Physics Letters

By |2022-06-08T10:52:11+02:00June 8th, 2022|

Your Content Goes Here Another great achievement for the project: researchers from the partners CNRS (IEMN laboratory in Lille) and the VSB Technical University in Ostrava are featured on the cover of Applied Physics Letters with their article "Fully reversible magnetoelectric voltage controlled THz polarization rotation in magnetostrictive spintronic emitters on [...]

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