Consortium meeting in Uppsala

By |2023-10-29T21:30:16+01:00June 29th, 2023|

We had a consortium meeting the 19-20th of June in Uppsala, gathering 18 representatives from the 7 consortium members of s-Nebula. We discussed the great progress of the projet after 42 months, and the plans to achieve the upcoming and final project objectives !

Workshop on “THz spintronic technology” : 10-12th of October 2023 (Mainz, Germany) organized by consortium members

By |2023-06-18T19:00:06+02:00June 18th, 2023|

Workshop, October 10th - 12th 2023 THz spintronics is a novel research field that combines magnetism and spintronic with ultrafast optics. Although ultrafast demagnetization of ferromagnetic materials at picosecond timescale has been first observed already three decades ago, recent years have seen the rapid development of THz spintronic devices stemming from ground breaking studies. [...]

New article in Nature Communications from 4 consortium members

By |2023-06-18T14:56:12+02:00June 18th, 2023|

News from the partner CNRS/Thales. Collaboration involving 4 partners from s-Nebula consortium: CNRS (CNRS-UMPhy, LPENS), Johannes Gutenberg University, Frei Universität of Berlin and Thales. Free-space THz emission resulting from the femtosecond demagnetization of a spintronic THz emitter, and the subsequent spin-charge conversion in high spin-orbit material, has recently been routinely used to produce THz [...]

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