Frequency-Independent Terahertz Anomalous Hall Effect in DyCo5, Co32Fe68, and Gd27Fe73 Thin Films from DC to 40 THz

By |2022-09-01T12:03:19+02:00March 10th, 2021|

Your Content Goes Here Authors: Tom S. Seifert, Ulrike Martens, Florin Radu, Mirkow Ribow, Marco Berritta, Lukáš Nádvorník, Ronald Starke, Tomas Jungwirth, Martin Wolf, Ilie Radu, Markus Münzenberg, Peter M. Oppeneer, Georg Woltersdorf, Tobias Kampfrath Published: 03 March 2021 arXiv link Data Set (Zenodo link) Abstract: [...]