The final workshop of s-Nebula was a great success, taking place from the 10-12th of October in Ingelheim (Germany) within the SPICE facilities. Organized by 3 members from the s-Nebula consortium, it gathered more than 70 people (and 15 online attendees) from 15 countries. The first day was dedicated to the basic concepets of THz spin transport phenomena, the second day focused on new material perspectives such as antiferromagnets, and the last day on new concepts of spin-based THz devices and on their potential applications. The full program can be found here:

The discussions were particularly stimulating, bringing together experts from both spintronic, material science and THz technologies, evidencing the importance of this multidisciplinary approach to tackle the next challenge of the field. The workshop was the first event focusing on this emerging research field of THz spintronic, and the big success made it clear for many participants that it should be followed by a new edition in 2025 !